Benefits of Access to Books in the Home:
Access to Books (Family and Community Engagement Research Compendium, 2013)
Kids and Family Reading Report (Kids and Family Reading Report, 6th Edition, Scholastic, 2017)
​Scholarly Culture and Academic Performance in 42 Nations (M. D. R. Evans, Jonathan Kelley, Joanna Sikora, 2014)
Adult and Family Literacy:
Adult Literacy in America: A First Look at the Results of the National Adult Literacy Survey (Kirsch et al., 2002)
Kids & Family Reading Report: The Rise of Read-Aloud (Scholastic 2019)
Make Every Student Count: How Collaboration among Families, Schools, and Communities Ensures Student Success (Lois Bridges, PhD., 2013)
Meta Analysis of the Studies of High Performing Family Literacy Programs (Levesque and the National Center for Families Learning, 2013)
Reach Higher, America: Overcoming Crisis in the U.S. Workforce (National Commission on Adult Literacy, 2008)
Teaching by Listening: The Importance of Adult-Child Conversations to Language Development (Zimmerman, 2009)
The Effect of Family Literacy Interventions on Children’s Acquisition of Reading (National Center for Family Literacy, 2006)
How Poverty Impacts Literacy:
Book Deserts: The Consequence of Income Segregation on Children's Access to Print (Neuman and Moland, 2016)
Can Intensive Early Education Intervention Programs Eliminate Income-Based Cognitive and Achievement Gaps? (Duncan and Sojourner, 2014)
Pre K - Grade 3: Which Reading and Literacy Practices Matter Most? (Ryan, 2010)
Socioeconomic Disadvantage, School Attendance, and Early Cognitive Development: The Differential Effects of Social Exposure (Ready, 2010)
The Impact of Poverty on the Development of Brain Networks (Lipina and Posner, 2012)